Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically planted directly into your jawbone where teeth are missing. They provide a permanent foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dental implants are the strongest, most secure, and most convenient replacement teeth because they take the place of the entire missing tooth and root. Dental implants are not like removable dentures or partials that can fall out and need to be removed and cleaned daily. You can brush and floss dental implants right along with the healthy teeth around them. Implants provide the freedom to maintain an active lifestyle and eat your favorite foods while helping prevent bone deterioration. 

The Surgical Procedure

Before your surgery, you will visit our office for a consultation and meet with Dr. Schulten. We will take 3D scans or Panorex films of your mouth and discuss your options for treatment, including anesthesia and sedation. We then use these x-rays to determine if you are ready for dental implants. Some patients will require bone grafting prior to or along with the implant placement. A healthy mouth is essential for a successful dental implant procedure. 

For most patients, the placement of dental implants requires only a single surgical procedure. First, we place a titanium post within your jawbone. After the implant has integrated to the jawbone, your doctors will add a connecting piece between the post and the replacement tooth. You will then receive a permanent crown that fits perfectly and matches the color and contour of the rest of your teeth. The entire process usually takes three to four months. 

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you searching for an oral surgeon in the Louisville, Kentucky, area to discuss dental implants? Our courteous staff and doctors want to make your experience as painless as possible. We are trained and certified to walk you through every step of the process. We have access to the most state-of-the-art technology available to ensure success. We want to show you the excellent care you deserve. Contact us today to learn more.


After Wisdom Tooth Removal